Something Different | Jiří Kovanda

A guided tour of the exhibition Something Different with conceptual artist and educator Jiří Kovanda will take place on Tuesday, March 4, at 6 PM at the Prostora Gallery.

The Prostora Gallery is showcasing a collection by Jiří Kovanda titled Something Else, named after a work by Jiří Valoch. This collection was created through friendly relationships and exchanges among colleagues and includes works by renowned Czech artists as well as emerging talents. The exhibition offers an overview of both domestic and international art scenes, featuring established creators and promising newcomers.

Featured Artists:
 Silvina Arismendi, Josef Bolf, Sylvie Brodi, Jiří David, Žofie Eder, Laura Fiľáková, Pavla Gajdošíková, Fernanda Gomes, Václav Girsa, Lumír Hladík, Veronika Holcová, Barbora Jandáková, Ivan Kafka, Stanislava Karbušická, Ester Knapová, Eva Koťátková, Eliška Kovandová, Petr Kožíšek, Denisa Lehocká, Ivana Lovětínská, Karel Miler, Jan Mlčoch, Stanislav Oborský, Jan Pfeiffer, Ivan Pinkava, Viktor Pivovarov, Adéla Ráliš, Luděk Rathouský, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Vladimír Skrepl, Nedko Solakov, Antonín Střížek, Jindřich Štreit, Miroslav Tichý, Jiří Valoch, Karolína Voleská, Jan Wilda.

Graphic Design: Petr Babák and Martin Ponec (Laboratory)
Photography: Tomáš Souček

For more information about the exhibition, visit Prostora’s social media or website.

Organized by: Prostora and Marcela Steinbachová
Supported by: Czech State Fund for Culture
Media Partners: Český rozhlas Vltava, Archizoom, ArtMap, Uni Cultural Magazine, Prague Moon

Snímek obrazovky 2025-02-24 v 15.05.10

The Prostora Gallery presents a collection of conceptual artist and educator Jiří Kovanda titled Something Different, named after a work by Jiří Valoch. This collection was created through friendly relationships and mutual exchanges between colleagues and includes works from renowned Czech artists as well as young emerging authors. The exhibition presents a cross-section of the domestic and international art scene, featuring works by established artists and new talents.

Exhibition 5/2 – 4/4 2025
 Wednesday–Friday 2–5:30 PM

Prostora Gallery (1st floor)
 Blanická 9, 120 00 Prague 2

Photo: Tomás Souček

To enter the gallery, ring the bell for Skupina / Prostora

Something Different | Jiří Kovanda

We thank Jiří Kovanda for his collaboration on the exhibition and for lending his collection. We would also like to thank all the artists, theorists, and friends who attended the opening.

Exhibition 5/2 – 4/4 2025
 Wednesday–Saturday 2–5:30 PM

Prostora Gallery (1st floor)
Blanická 9, 120 00 Prague 2

Photo: Kateřina Fialová

To enter the gallery, ring the bell for Skupina / Prostora

The "Something Different" Exhibition at the Prostora Gallery presents visual artist Jiří Kovanda as a collector. The opening will take place on Tuesday, February 4th.

From February to 4. 4., the Prostora Gallery will present an exhibition of Jiří Kovanda's collection titled "Something Different," named after a work by Jiří Valoch. The new exhibition will showcase works from both domestic and international scenes, featuring established artists as well as newcomers, and will be inaugurated with an opening on Tuesday, February 4th at 6:00 PM in the presence of the artist. Guided tours will take place throughout the duration of the exhibition.

Jiří Kovanda's collection stems from friendly relationships and informal exchanges between colleagues and close artists. It includes works from both significant and renowned creators, as well as lesser-known authors, and young emerging artists from both the domestic scene and abroad. Kovanda's minimalist and occasional collection is characterized by its inconsistency and lack of chronological or logical continuity, containing objects of diverse nature. It is intentionally non-uniform, oscillating on the edge between high art and everyday objects, from valuable artifacts to seemingly insignificant items. Thanks to social connections and acquaintances, a unique whole has emerged, where the known is combined with the unknown and the valuable with the less precious.

The exhibition will feature artists such as: Silvina Arismendi, Josef Bolf, Sylvie Brodi, Jiří David, Žofie Eder, Laura Fiľáková, Pavla Gajdošíková, Fernanda Gomes, Václav Girsa, Lumír Hladík, Veronika Holcová, Barbora Jandáková, Ivan Kafka, Stanislava Karbušická, Ester Knapová, Eva Koťátková, Eliška Kovandová, Petr Kožíšek, Denisa Lehocká, Ivana Lovětínská, Karel Miler, Jan Mlčoch, Stanislav Oborský, Jan Pfeiffer, Ivan Pinkava, Viktor Pivovarov, Adéla Ráliš, Luděk Rathouský, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Vladimír Skrepl, Nedko Solakov, Antonín Střížek, Jindřich Štreit, Miroslav Tichý, Jiří Valoch, Karolína Voleská, Jan Wilda.

Jiří Kovanda (1953) is a prominent Czech conceptual artist, performer, and educator. His work is represented at prestigious world art exhibitions, having been presented at London's Tate Modern (performance "Kissing Through Glass") and at Documenta 12 in Kassel. He gained international fame especially for his actions and interventions from the 1970s and 1980s, which have become an indispensable part of major exhibitions and publications mapping and integrating art from the former Eastern Bloc into European and global contexts, including East Art Map, Body and the East, and Parallel Actions. As an educator, Jiří Kovanda has been working at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague since 1995 (assistant in Vladimír Skrepl's painting studio, assistant in Tomáš Vaněk's Intermedia 3 studio, and since 2022 in the Art in Context studio). For many years, he has been leading the Object-Space-Action studio at the Faculty of Art and Design in Ústí nad Labem. Kovanda's early actions and installations were initially received as political art (like everything that stood out from the "normal" in the normalization environment), but currently, the view of them has been corrected and shifted closer to the realm of individual and social experience and minimalist gesture. The central motif of his actions or visual arts is creating relationships and subtle changes in the appearance of ordinary things and phenomena. Stylistically, the author's work can be described as action-based and conceptual, with overlaps into installations and interventions.

Prostora is a gallery in the center of Vinohrady, behind which stands architect Marcela Steinbachová, founder of the Skupina studio, the Kruh association, and director of its activities (lecture series on architecture, Architecture Day festival and Film and Architecture festival, publication of publications). Prostora has been located since June 2023 in former telephone exchanges at Blanická 9 above Náměstí Míru, on the 1st floor, and is already presenting the 6th collection of visual artists. The gallery's name comes from a synonym for the more commonly used word "prostor" (space), but "prostora" defines a more defined, bounded environment, in this case, an exhibition space. In the past and current year, Prostora focuses on presenting collections of contemporary visual artists.

Something Different – Jiří Kovanda
Opening on Tuesday, February 4th from 6 PM
The exhibition will run from February 5th to April 4th

Graphic design: Petr Babák, Martin Ponec (Laboratoř)

FB event
IG @prostora_galerie

Opening hours
Wednesday–Friday: 2:00 PM–5:30 PM
Saturday by appointment: 2:00 PM–5:30 PM
or upon request (closed on public holidays)

Organized by: Prostora, Marcela Steinbachová
Project supported by: State Cultural Fund of the Czech Republic
Media partners: Czech Radio Vltava, Archizoom, ArtMap, Kulturní magazín Uni, Prague Moon

Media contact:
Marcela Steinbachová, 776 565 180,
Jan Kieweg, 607 708 190,

We invite you to a guided tour of the Strom.Strom. exhibition by Vladimir 518 on Tuesday, December 17, at 6 PM. The tour will be led by visual artist and musician Vladimir 518, along with gallery founder Marcela Steinbachová.

The sixth exhibition showcases works from various fields, including visual arts, architecture, music, literature, and even inspiring children’s creations. The title of the exhibition references both a pair of specific children’s drawings and Vladimir’s interdisciplinary research and fascination with the almost biological branching of human culture. The gallery’s space brings together graphic design and photography, analog fetishes like cassettes and vinyl records with alternative comics, as well as sculptural objects—all curated through a distinctly personal lens.

Photography: Tomáš Souček
Graphic design: Laboratoř (Petr Babák, Martin Ponec)

Guided tour – Tuesday, December 17, at 6 PM

We look forward to welcoming you at Galerie Prostora!

Exhibition dates: November 14, 2024 – January 17, 2025
Opening hours: Wednesday–Saturday, 2–5:30 PM

Galerie Prostora (1st floor)
Blanická 9, 120 00 Prague 2

For entry, please ring the bell for Skupina / Prostora.

Snímek obrazovky 2024-12-11 v 16.25.23

The collection by Vladimir 518 showcases works spanning visual arts, architecture, music, literature, and even inspiring children’s creations. The first guided tour of the exhibition will take place on December 17th at 6 PM, led by Vladimir 518 and the gallery’s founder, Marcela Steinbachová.

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Exhibition dates: November 14, 2023 – January 17, 2025
Opening hours: Wednesday–Friday, 2 PM–5:30 PM

Galerie Prostora (1st floor)
Blanická 9, 120 00 Prague 2

To access the gallery, please ring Skupina / Prostora.

The opening of the sixth exhibition Strom.Strom. took place on Wednesday, November 13, at 6 PM, with Vladimir 518 and other guests in attendance. We sincerely thank everyone who joined us for the vernissage.

On December 17 at 6 PM, the first guided tour of the exhibition will be held with Vladimir 518 and the gallery’s founder, Marcela Steinbachová.

Vladimir 518 to Present His Collection at Prostora Gallery in the Exhibition Entitled Strom.Strom. (Tree.Tree.)
The opening will take place on Wednesday, November 13, at 6:00 PM.

This November, Prostora Gallery will present the personal collection of visual artist and musician Vladimir 518. The new exhibition will showcase selected works from both contemporary Czech and international art scenes, running from Thursday, November 14, through Friday, January 17. It will open with a vernissage on Wednesday, November 13, at 6:00 PM, attended by the artist. Guided tours will be offered during the exhibition’s run.

Vladimir 518’s collection includes works spanning fine art, architecture, music, literature, and even inspirational children’s art. The exhibition title Strom.Strom references two specific children’s drawings while also exploring Vladimir’s diverse fields of research and his fascination with the organic branching of human culture. Alongside individual art pieces, collected according to a strictly subjective criterion, the gallery will present graphic design alongside photography, analog fetishes of cassettes and vinyls with alternative comics, and sculptural objects. The vernissage will include a brief experimental music performance by Vladimir 518.

Artists Represented:
Václav Stratil. Epos 257. Evžen Šimera. Krištof Kintera. Jakub Hubálek. Lubomír Typlt. Federico Díaz. Pavel Brázda. David Böhm. Jiří Franta. Alexey Klyuykov. Vít Svoboda. Jiří Valoch. Antonín Kratochvíl. Tomáš Souček. Lukáš Jasanský. Martin Polák. Josef Klimeš. Marko Čermák. Jiří David. Tron. Doppeldenk. Johana Brožová. Frida Brožová. Josef Pleskot. Julius Reichel. Matěj Olmer. Jiří Rathouský. Prokop Bartoníček. Adam Tureček. Adam Štech. Zuzana Lednická. František Štorm.

About Vladimir 518
Vladimir 518, born Vladimír Brož in 1978, emerged in the 1990s and 2000s as a prominent figure in the Prague graffiti scene. His career spans book illustration, graphic design, comics, book publications, theatrical set design, and fine arts. In 2004-2005, he lived and worked in Leipzig, Germany, collaborating with the progressive typography group Black Red. He has worked as a scenographer with the experimental theater group TOW, presenting shows worldwide. He was also a member of the audiovisual group SPAM (known for works like Karel Gott Prager and Interpretation of Zdeněk Sýkora’s Black and White Structures). Between 2006 and 2021, he led the BiggBoss organization, producing books and music projects focused on urban culture and contemporary art. His notable publications include the trilogy Kmeny (2006, 2011, 2013), Obsession (2015), and Architecture 58–89 (2022). He also created the documentary series Kmeny and Architecture 58–89 for Czech Television and the feature-length film Architecture ČSSR 58–89. In addition to his publishing and visual art, he is widely recognized for his music, having released seven studio albums, three mixtapes, numerous music videos, and collaborations across genres.

About Prostora Gallery
Located in the heart of Vinohrady, Prostora is a gallery founded by architect Marcela Steinbachová, the founder of the Skupina studio, the Kruh association, and its activities, including lecture series on architecture, the Day of Architecture festival, and the Film and Architecture festival. Prostora opened in June 2023 in the former telephone exchange at Blanická 9, near náměstí Míru, and is currently presenting its sixth collection of visual artists. The gallery’s name reflects the Czech word for “space,” though prostora specifically denotes a more defined and bounded environment, like an exhibition space. Recently, Prostora has focused on presenting contemporary artists’ collections.

Strom.Strom (Tree.Tree.) – Vladimir 518
Opening on Wednesday, November 13, at 6:00 PM
Exhibition dates: November 14 – January 17, 2025

FB Event
IG @prostora_galerie

Opening Hours
Wednesday–Friday: 2:00–5:30 PM
By arrangement on Saturdays: 2:00–5:30 PM
Or upon request (closed on public holidays and during Christmas)

Voluntary; more information available at

Photos of Prostora and the exhibition are available on the website.

Organized by
Prostora, Marcela Steinbachová
Supported by: Prague City, Czech State Culture Fund
Media Partners: Český rozhlas Vltava, Archizoom, ArtMap, Cultural Magazine Uni, Prague Moon

Media Contacts
Marcela Steinbachová: +420 776 565 180,
Jan Kieweg: +420 607 708 190,


Prostora is a new non-profit project led by architect Marcela Steinbachová, the founder of the Skupina Studio, Kruh Association, and the Director of its activities (its lecture series on architecture, the Architecture Day festival, and the Film and Architecture festival, as well as publication releases). Prostora is located on the 1st floor above Náměstí Míru Square, in the former telephone exchange building at Blanická Street 9. The gallery's name is derived from the more commonly used synonym for the word 'space,' but it defines a more delimited, bounded environment, in this case, an exhibition space.

"The space came about by chance. I have acquired an incredible industrial space in the city centre and we are dedicating a part of it to culture. The character of the interior is left over from the building's previous use as a telephone switchboard. The imperfections of the space is taken as an advantage. Cracked uneven floors, plastered openings, holes and splinters are part of the body of the gallery; its asset. The curatorial cycle will present important contemporary Czech artists in a different way and should show the breadth of these personalities."- Marcela Steinbach explains the space will be used for gallery purposes.